Friday, June 20, 2008

The Next Chapter

This week I had my last official classes. Next week we will have some parties, but I found out some of the kids will already be on vacation, so this was our last time together. Yesterday one of them gave me a very sweet note and another told me personally how much they loved coming to my classes. I can't tell you how valuable this was for me, because this was from my class of 1st-3rd grade which almost literally kills me every week as I try to keep the focus of 2 ADD kids(a 7 year old and a 9 year old) and not neglect the other 10 kids. These kids have really come to know the church as a fun place where they have friends and feel safe.
Vecer Aprilovych Blaznu
click here to see photos
I've finally got the pictures from our April Fool's Night, so you can have a look at the fun time we had. Next week I'll be cleaning and having parties, but the fun doesn't stop here. Our English camp will be in FOUR WEEKS! We have all been eagerly planning away, and I feel like this year will be special. We're having a POKEC(Talk show with our Band) on the Wednesday night and a devotion every morning during camp which will be open to anyone who wants to come. We even have a few surprises in store for the Americans and the kids:) I'm really excited about everything that is to come!
I began with the title "The Next Chapter" in response to a friends who asked, "Kati are you ready for the next chapter?" I asked myself, "Wow, where does one chapter end and the other begin?" I know I'm going back to start a new journey in Atlanta, as Jeremy and Jamie begin theirs here in Policka, but daily I'm amazed at how God has woven everything together, influencing our decisions and passions. I only feel ready for the next step because of the last step I took. Coming here has only made me feel more adamant about creating activities to bring the church and the people of the community together. I'm looking forward to studying theology and church policies, with a mind focused on mission and worship, however, I'm also looking forward to see what Jeremy and Jamie bring to the program next year, as they start new things and carry on other programs we enjoyed. Needless to say, this next chapter has a lot in store for all of us, I can't wait to see what happens next!

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