Friday, April 25, 2008

Entertainment while you wait

Here's a little teaser for you to enjoy while I'm still trying to get the film from the camera onto my computer. Some of our pictures also didn't turn out so well, because of lighting, so I'm waiting for some others from our friends who have more advanced cameras. This video shows some of our practice with the 4th and 5th grade class as we were preparing for the April Fool's Night. We were experimenting to see if we wanted to make a short circus, but in the end we chose to make a zoo. Here you see one of our circus acts.

I feel like I should dedicate this video to Anna Evans, who convinced me to watch High School Musical for the first time. With out her persistent urging to watch it, I might never have experienced the wonderfully cheesy yet entertaining movie. After years of Oklahoma kids and talent shows, the movie just makes me laugh every time. And the song fit perfectly for this video.

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