On Sunday, Robbie and I went bowling at the MAC! Yes, we both sat down at a wheel and made bowls. Would you believe it? We have been doing a lot of strength training, but I had no idea it took so much strength to make a bowl on a wheel. We threw down the ball of clay and started molding it. Well, that’s what I thought we were doing, but then I found out we weren’t shaping it yet, we were just centering it, and grounding it to the wheel. “Aha…,” I thought. "There is something to this." The bowl cannot be properly shaped, unless it is centered. Centering is hard work. The clay wanted to go on it’s own way. At first I tried to force it, but that didn’t work. I tried adding water, and added too much. Once I had to even get a new ball. Eventually, the teacher helped me, and I got my arms appropriately propped on my legs to keep it steady, and guided the clay to the center. From there I could begin to open it and shape it, and create it for a purpose.
I do a lot of centering prayers, but until recently, I have worked quite hard at centering myself and steadying my breathing. One of my guided meditations pointed out that breathing is one of the most natural things our bodies do on their own. We can literally breathe in our sleep, if we are healthy and living. So, when I begin my centering prayer, I now simply become aware of my breath. I know what you’re thinking… "Isn’t that how every yoga teacher begins their class?” Yes, I know, I’ve heard it said a million times, and yet, there is something special in noticing and choosing to do something, once you realize what that something actually looks and feels like.
As I was reflecting on God’s role as the potter, I realized that maybe God could do the work of centering me too. I pray that God would open my heart, I pray for God to shape me, but I usually take the responsibility of finding my center. So, here goes.
Lord, I know I am fearfully and wonderfully made by you. Guide me once more to find my center. Hold me close to your heart. Let your will and your ways keep me at peace, that I might be willing to be opened once more, shaped once more, filled once more and used once more. You are the potter, and I am your clay. I was never created to be perfect, but I was created to be flexible, beautiful, hopeful, and loved. Amen.
My ball became a tea/coffee/watercolor bowl. Nourishment it will provide, once it is fired and ready…
Wishing you had a handmade bowl or cup of your own? Click here to find more information on the Empty Bowls Event, hosted by the Manhattan Nonviolence Initiative and others, coming up April 7th.
Awesome post... Just Breathe and ask for God's help centering.