
Sunday, April 22, 2018

Embodied Prayer on the Gospel of John

Today at The Light, we closed our study of the Gospel of John, and I wrote this prayer for our time of confession.  This style of prayer was inspired by a prayer we used during Advent from A Sanctified Art worship resources.  If you haven't used their resources before, here's a link!

We used the empty table on the right to consider who is sitting at Jesus' table as Beloved Disciples.  I'll invite you to consider that as well.  Who does Jesus love?  Who would he invite to sit next to you? Who is the last person you could imagine sitting at this table ... Jesus has invited them.  They might not except the invitation.  Jesus will not make you sit next to them if it is unsafe for you. Our Christian belief says that Jesus died and rose from the dead for all who do not deserve an invitation.  How might this change the way you look at the people who are different from you? The people with whom you have conflict?  The people you meet randomly each day?  How might we remember that we are beloved by Jesus, and called to share that love with the world?

I invite you to pray this prayer with us today:

As we remember and celebrate the stories of witness that we have read throughout the gospel of John, we lift up our prayers of confession today, praying with our bodies, minds and spirits.

If you have ever been like the Blind Man sitting on the side of the road, If you’ve ever accepted disappointment and lost all hope, close your eyes.

If you have ever been like the Woman at the well, ashamed of your mistakes and thirsty with desire, place a hand over your mouth.

If you’ve ever been like Mary and Martha, and sat weeping when Jesus did not answer your prayer, place a hand over your heart.

If you’ve ever been like Peter, angry with Jesus for not doing things your way, raise your fists and say, "why Lord?”

This is what it feels like to live in a world destroyed by sin and actions of hate. 

But remember how the story changed for Peter, Jesus completely turned his expectations upside down. Lower you hands and open them praying, “Use me, Lord.” 

Remember how Jesus came and wept with Mary and Martha and offered all around them the gift of new life. Place your hands in your heart and pray, "Restore my heart."

Remember how Jesus asked the Woman for a drink at the well, and offered her the gift of new life even knowing every bad thing she had ever done? Make your hands into a bowl and pray, “Jesus give me a fresh start.”

Finally, remember how Jesus gave sight to the blind man, wipe the mud from your eyes, and open them, praying, Thank you, Jesus. Amen.