
Monday, October 24, 2011

The Next Journey!

To my friends and supporters around the world,

I would like to share the joyous news that I have accepted a call to be the Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in St. Paul, Nebraska! Over the past few months I have enjoyed getting to know them through their Pastor Nominating Committee, their references and their joyful newsletters. Recently I have had the privilege to preach for them and visit their community on a more personal level. They are a small, strong congregation that daily lives out their mission statement to be a “church that feeds people body, mind and soul.” I thank God for this opportunity to join in mission with them in Howard County and beyond! I will be joining with them in ministry beginning November 14th! It will be a fast transition, however, I am excited to begin with them in preparations for their hosting of a community Thanksgiving dinner(one of their central ministries) as we enter the Advent season together!

I would like to invite you(in body or in spirit) to my Service of Ordination on October 30, 2011, at 2pm in First Presbyterian Church of Ponca City, OK. This will be a very special service as we remember our baptism and celebrate our callings in the one body of Christ. We will welcome a few members from my future congregation as well as Rev. Jan Dus from Polička, Czech Republic! As we celebrate God’s call upon my life and future ministry, I would like to celebrate the ministries where I have witnessed God at work. Our offering during the service will be designated to support the Cimarron Presbytery Solar Under the Sun project in Juju, Kenya. During my time at Columbia Theological Seminary, I had the amazing opportunity of studying alongside Rev. Henry Kaira, who is now a pastor at Juju Presbyterian Church. I was overjoyed to discover that our presbytery has already been at work in a partnership with this particular community.

Please join me in celebration of my calling as a pastor and witness to God’s love and work in the world! If you cannot be in attendance, don't worry! As always, I will continue to update this blog with the coming steps of this journey! Thank you for your love and support that has carried me to this place!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kati