
Saturday, July 22, 2006


Finally, I have arrived in Polička. We had difficulties with the flights and ended up a day late, but the extra time in Wichita bonded us together as a group. I just can't believe that I'm finally here, after all of this time spent in waiting. Ironically the scripture for the first night of our trip was Psalm 61.

My soul waits calmly for God alone.
My salvation, my hope, comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my savior--my stronghold.
I cannot be severely shaken.

The waiting is over. I am here. I've posted some pictures, so czech out our journey to Polička!

Hint: the pictures are best viewed as a slide show. The password is policka.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Saying Goodbye

Well, It's been a long two weeks. My sister came to Madison on June 21 and she helped me with a garage sale on June 24 at my friend Joanna's house. I sold as much of my belongings as I could. Anytime I asked my sister if I should keep something, she said, “Sell it.” The sale went pretty well, and I earned around $225 by the time some friends bought my couch, chairs, and bookcase. Somehow I still ended up with a full van and mostly full car after we packed up this week. Now I feel like I didn't sell enough, but maybe there's another sale in my future.

I feel like I've been saying goodbye all week long. June 23 was my last day at WardBrodt and some of my friends were out of town this week, so I started saying goodbye last Friday and this morning was the last goodbye, as I locked my apartment door. Last Sunday I said “goodbye for now” to my CPC family. There were some tearful moments Sunday morning at church and Sunday evening at a party that the Evans family had for me. Throughout the weekend-plus I met with friends for almost every meal, sometimes adding extra meals when necessary. These people have loved, encouraged, and challenged me all throughout my journey in Madison. I'd say I miss them already, but I still feel them with me.
Czech out the photos from this week on my photo site(more to be posted throughout the week): the password is policka.